
Technology Partners

Digital Partners

Digital Partners

Digital Partners (Switzerland/ Spain) is a leading company with expertise in Data Driven Artificial Intelligence Platforms and Strategic analysis for international organisations, Luxury, Health organisations, Sport and Public Services verticals.

Digital Partners SA was founded in early 2016 and offers Digital Services and Technical platforms to address today Business transformation challenges using the best of breed technologies and Software’s using Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Analytics.

Digital Partners draws on an extended network of partners to foster innovation in a variety of contexts.

At Digital Partners, we help companies to define relevant business scenarios that can be implemented through Digital transformation projects. Our Digital Strategy practice helps executives understand, envision and articulate digital as a business strategy and implement it using a road map that delivers on the brand promise across channels.

We provide a Global social media and web monitoring platform ingesting Big data to provide Powerful insight at the speed of the consumer using artificial intelligence and machine learning in an expertdesigned data structuring and visualization.

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Technology for Transparency Reports

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