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Sarine Diamond Traceability™ unveils a new era of sustainable luxury, scanning over 100 million natural diamonds annually to create the largest verifiable data repository globally. Entrusted by leading producers and luxury brands, Sarine Traceability™ ensures end-to-end trust and confidence across the diamond supply chain.

Sarine Traceability™ allows the entire industry to:

  • Demonstrate commitment to ethical sourcing and eco-friendly initiatives.
  • Meet regulatory demands on country of origin with Sarine’s traceability diamond reports.
  • Engage modern consumers with a compelling narrative about sustainable luxury.
  • Align luxury diamond purchases with values of Gen Z and Millennials.

Highlights of Sarine Traceability™:

  • Captures 3D images at source to generate a “Digital Twin” linking rough diamonds with digital reports.
  • Authenticates every stage of a diamond’s transition from rough to polished backed by traceability data.
  • Seamlessly integrates into existing infrastructure and processes for scalability.
  • Offers instant in-store provenance details with Sarine Traceability Origin Check™.

Established in 1988, Sarine is a publicly traded tech innovator in the diamond industry, driving growth through reimagining how diamonds are made, graded, and traded globally. Sarine’s Traceability™ solution means trust, transparency and sustainable practices are no longer luxuries but essentials for the diamond industry.

For more information about Sarine Traceability, scan the QR code below or visit


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