

Alliance for Responsible Mining

Alliance for Responsible Mining

The Alliance for Responsible Mining (ARM) was established in 2004 and is a leading global expert on artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM). We work to transform the ASM sector into a socially and environmentally responsible activity, while improving the quality of life of artisanal miners, their families and communities.

Fairmined: A Path To Positive Change

Almost 20 years ago, the Alliance for Responsible Mining (ARM) introduced the Fairmined Standard to the world, offering a structured pathway towards a responsible artisanal and small-scale mining that progressively transforms the lives of miners, their families, their communities, while also mitigating the negative environmental impacts associated with this activity.

With the Fairmined Standard as a cornerstone, ARM has collaborated with miners, companies, foundations, governments, cooperation agencies, and mineral buyers, among others, all interested in contributing to this cause. It has engaged in co-creating methodologies and social technologies, generating insights into ASM, fostering multi-sectoral partnerships, and influencing both national and international legislations to create more favorable conditions for responsible artisanal and small-scale mining worldwide.

Through a systemic and innovative approach, ARM has developed concrete ways for enhancing the responsibility of this sector. It has also facilitated the transfer of resources to the ASM sector, enabling positive changes that would have otherwise been impossible without donations or an actively responsible market. In addition, it has ushered sustainability into the achieved improvements by helping to build responsible commercial alliances between buyers and certified mines, ensuring fair prices for minerals and additional premiums.

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