



CZI is born with full heart and authenticity from the desire of its founder, Sandra Czich, to create a unique gift for someone special, while giving life to her artworks on the most beautiful support, the body.


We are transparent on our production process, as we disclose the various places of production of our garments, from the weaving of the fabrics (France or Italy) to the stitching (France or Switzerland), including the printing (France). As already stated, we are proud of these origins, they’re part of our DNA. We decided from the beginning to go for the highest quality and excellence and this is what we do. Our hand embroideries are similarly made in Switzerland or India, where there is a secular tradition of handembroidery, globally recognized by the most distinguished fashion houses.


As we select our partners and providers we can trace the full origin of our products. For us, traceability and transparency go with authenticity. And so it is most important, as you know, to be able to guarantee the authenticity, as we recently saw with the counter factors of Gucci items in the USA by established retailers. This means that the end client must be given a secure mean to verify the authenticity of the goods purchased, when he/she does not purchase directly from the manufacturer or the brand. This is why we integrated NFC certification inside our garment.

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